Community, I need ya.
Hello my loves!
It’s been a while and so much has happened over the past few months, but BOYYY OH BOYYYY am I so excited to tell you about the cool people I’ve met, and the community that has been created.
First off, my tribe of fellow Black USA Volleyball players! You ever found something you ever knew you needed? From being able to share our experiences, to finding community within community, support, love, and just a bunch of beautiful individuals. First off let me just say that finding other black or Latino kids within your program are slim to none unless you are blessed. Fortunately for me, my volleyball world has been pretty diverse until I started playing for Team USA. I quickly became 1 of 2 or 3 black girls at a time, and the ONLY LATINA. This fight for equality in my volleyball microcosm within Team USA has been a little rocky and scary at times, but it has brought about such a community that I feel like they are my family outside of the one I already have. With these friends I feel like we can shake the world! The ones that I have been blessed and honored to chat with are tagged in my Instagram post. They are AMAZING individuals, who lives outside of volleyball are interesting and beautiful, so you should check them out when you have a chance.
Second. Jamie! I have been very careful and cautious with my words during this time, for fear of people taking what I say out of context or being offended. I know many people will read that sentence and say that I should be the complete opposite, but truth is, that’s my character. I’m learning how to speak my truth, and to display my story without fear, and the more comfortable I feel to do so, the more I can be genuine, and free to be me. This was my exact experience with Jamie. I instantly felt a comfort with her to just speak what came to my mind, like I had known her for years. She was sweet, inclined to listen, and gave me the opportunity to shine my light. We spoke about things like what life is like as a female athlete, how my disability has transformed me into the person I am today, and what I can say for those walking into their calling as a athlete. She was such a kind soul, and I truly appreciate the opportunity that I was given to talk to her.
Last but certainly not least is the one thing that I have needed all my life but didn’t know I needed it until now. A GROUP OF AFRO LATINAS! Do you know what it is to be able to relate to someone completely? Let me break it down for you. Let me give you an example of why it’s EXTREMELY important to have friends like you. Every summer I volunteer for a nonprofit called Nubability athletics. I coach volleyball to other limb different children. Having limb different friends, I can offer advice and find solutions to some obstacles that children missing one or both legs might be experiencing. However, I cannot explain how amazing it is to watch a child have a light bulb moment because I offer a solution to a problem they are experiencing as a ONE HANDED INDIVIDUAL (if this is your first time reading my posts, I only have one hand). It’s like, wow, you’re really not going to have to go years through life having to wonder how to do something, or wondering if someone has felt the same way do because you have me to help figure it out, or give you the solution because I’ve been there. On the adult end I never knew how life changing it would be to not only be friends with other individuals just like me, but who were also athletes! Being able to relate, offer solace, encouragement, love, most importantly community. This community is what I had been missing as an Afro Latina! I had a best friend growing up named Lisandra (shout out to you boo) who is my Black Latina sister that I can legit express sentiments till this day, struggles, enlightenment’s, you name it. But the strength that I found in having more than one is breath taking. Matt Nichols reached out to me to be apart of this amazing Podcast, to talk about struggles as an Afro Latina. I will admit I was sooooo excited, but so nervous at the same time…until I got on the call. WOW. Can we say powerful? I was on a call with Latinas, and Afro Latinas, talking about everything from our hair, to microaggressions, to using your voice because it is powerful, to everything that my soul needed in this crazy pandemic! These women came from all walks of life, and I love that because that is what made our group so much more dynamic and beautiful. To know that I have a community of women rooting for me, that are fighting for the same things that I am, that understand my struggle, and that are committed 100% to creating a better future with the understanding that it will not be easy, adds more fuel to my fire and gave me so much confidence that I feel it aided to my quarantine transformation that is currently turning Nicky in a powerhouse! The podcast is awesome, and I will also link that so you guys can listen!
If you are to take any key things from this blog post, let it be to find your community or start to build one! If I could stress it 10-fold I would. Everyone has heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. I think for me, it takes a community to continue evolving.
Love you all! God bless you!
Want to hear the podacast? Well you can hear, and SEE our reactions right here!