Winter Blues. I've got my eye on you!


Hello Beautiful people!

It’s been a while since I’ve jumped on the blog, and life has been kicking my butt! When I created this blog, I had every intention to be open and honest, and let you into my life. So, here goes nothing!

ANXIETY. How many of you deal with it, dread it, can feel it coming on? This is me. Currently. In the month of January, I’ve dealt with health issues, family sickness, training away in Oklahoma, and trying to make sure my body is transforming into the stallion I want it to be. What I’ve realized is that, when I most feel like I am completely out of control, while doing the most that I can, is when my mind spirals out of control.

Thankfully, on this crazy and wild road, I have a great Sports Psychologist that helps me get through the rough patches, a God who is merciful and loving, and have learned how to keep myself in check when I can feel the anxious bug start to creep in. Here is what helps me get through, and maybe it just might help you too.

Connection: Being far away from family is really rough for me, especially when I’m going through a rough patch. But what I have realized is, when I connect to what makes me feel most loved, what grounds me, what makes me feel most connected to home, it makes me feel so much better. For example, I talk to my mother every day. Sometimes several times a day to be honest! My really good friends from home like Alex and Ronika, always make me feel like I’m not too far and can always make me laugh. Most importantly, CHURCH. What would my life be if I couldn’t watch the Facebook live of ICP (Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal), my church??


Prayer: Man. I’m not gonna lie. This one brings out tears, emotions, everything. Being able to fully undress my feelings, and just immerse myself in the presence of the Lord is amazing. There has been times where I’m so overwhelmed and anxious that I feel I can’t even get the words out, but it isn’t necessary. If you’re not a prayer meditate. It’s a little difficult at first to just face your emotions head on and accept that they are there, but practice makes perfect.

Writing: This one can be a little difficult if I’m feeling a little lower than usual. Writing, or even scripting (should I blog about my manifesting experience?) helps me think of all the beautiful things that are happening in my life, all the beautiful things that ARE gonna happen in my life, and all of the positive that is continuously happening in my life. Writing puts me in the present, it helps me hyper focus on what’s going on. It also helps me stay positive and stray away from the unknown.


Staying in routine: This is a big one. I have a certain way that I maneuver through my day. I know to some its ok to stray away, and be completely spontaneous, but for me it’s a no. I know for a fact that I need plentyyyy of alone time in my day, or to go do tasks on my own, or just to be in my room and get things done. Solitude is a big need in my life, and when I’m taken from my space, it gets me anxious. Of course, there’s situations where it gets difficult to get some alone time (like when I’m away competing with Team USA , and need buddies to do anything), but just finding a few moments like in a lobby, taking a walk, working out, helps a lot.

I know that these things may not work for everyone, but it helps me significantly. And even if these things don’t help you, I encourage you to try and find the things that you know keep you feeling normal. Anxiety is literally a monster that I will never be able to fully kill, but I can make it smaller and tackle it before it tackles me.

Have a wonderful week my loves!

Love and Light.

Nicole Nieves