Crazy how it’s the start of a new decade eh? 2019 was definitely a year of learning and growing, and I’m pretty sure I’ve come out stronger than ever. If I could go back in time and give myself 3 rules to follow at the start of 2019, they would be:


1.       You can’t help others, if you don’t take care of yourself! Man oh man, did I learn this the hard way. There was a point where I had spread myself so thin I was juggling a 16 credit hour spring semester, coaching two different teams, trying to create new ideas and keep up with my nonprofit, as well as travel-train-& compete with team USA. IT WAS TOO MUCH! From that I learned how to say no, put my priorities in check, and value myself as well as my time.

2.       Walk by faith, not by sight. For me it’s super easy to mouth those words, and quickly forget them. Funny enough the moment I decided to truly have faith in the power of my words, my prayer, and my relationship with God, things shifted for me. Of course it’s not the easiest thing to do when the burden seems bigger than you can handle, but when you focus on what you can control (like your faith and your attitude towards the situation), it can make a huge difference.

3.       Love yourself. Whew child, that’s a mouthful! I used to wonder what loving myself even looked like. At the end of that search it meant, loving myself in EVERY ASPECT. From the way my hair grows out of my head, to my skin tone, to what I allow in my relationships, to what I eat, to how I speak about myself in my mind. I am beautifully and wonderfully created. NO ONE else is me, and that is my magic. I have to love me.


Of course there are even more little tidbits that could be thrown into those three rules, but they hold true to me in every way, and I wished I would’ve taken heed to them sooner rather than later. As for 2020, now that I am equipped with this super charged ammo, there’s no stopping me!

Have you set rules for yourself going forward? If so, I want to know what they are! Comment below.


Sending all the positive vibes,

