5 minutes to fitness.


Helllooooo world!! Let’s talk fitness today. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by time lately? You know, in the moments where you’re running around being a go getter, getting stuff done, and when you take a second to breathe you’ve realize the day has passed you by. What about the moments in a week when you’re so busy building your life that it seems that almost impossible to fit in fitness?

I’ve found myself in that second scenario more often than not, and it gets super frustrating. I’m supposed to be an elite athlete, always striving for greatness, yet life outside of my volleyball world is taking every second of my time. Thankfully I’ve found solutions to help me get a good pump even if it is in my room, garage, or the park around the corner. If you have a cell phone, you are in luck! These two apps might work for you:



For me this is like an all in one. What I like about this platform is that there is a category for any and everyone. Regardless of age or athleticism, Sworkit has an option for you. You have the option to create a plan that is custom to your needs, join the challenge that is listed for that month, even track your progress. What’s really neat to me is the option to get a little taste of everything, and the option to have my 5-year-old niece work out with me!

Nike Training Club:


What I love about this app is that it gives you the option to choose a workout according to how much time you have available (perfect for before bed workouts). Nike also has different categories ranging from equipment free, to dumbbells, kettle bells, resistance bands, etc. If you’re feeling like you need more from the app, they do have a subscription option. Personally, I get what I need out of the free version, but if you’re needing more of a plan-based workout routine, GO FOR IT!

These two apps are my personal faves to get a quick workout in when I find myself restricted on time. They give me the option to switch things up and keep me intrigued. They also challenge me enough that my endorphins are going and I’m a happy little be. Try them out and let me know how they work for you!



Love and Light.

Nicole NievesComment