Come Quarantine with me!



It has definitely been a while and I am back with a workout that hopefully some of you will find helpful during this quarantine. It has been one heck of a 2020 so far and to be honest if it weren’t for school, workouts, and Jesus, I would probably be losing my mind! 

This post is gonna get into a little BOOTY ACTION! Legs just happen to be my favorite, and I have just the right equipment to help me get a challenge. No to worry if you don’t have what I’m using, all of the workouts can be done without weight, and the cardio in the beginning can be done any which way you choose. Hopefully this little workout will get your blood pumping, and endorphins kicking in. If you’re a little confused with the workouts, and the pictures don’t help, click HERE to be taken to the video filmed for this workout. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not a personal trainer, nor have I studied personal training. These are workouts that have become my favorite, and who my trainer for Team USA, Bobby, has seen me do numerous times and corrected me to help me grow into a beast. 

What I’m Using:

Yoga Mat 

35 lb Dumbbell 

1 Medium resistance band 

1 Jope rope

Let's get started! 


1000 Skips. Jump rope for me is a great fat blaster, keeps me in shape, and it keeps me toned. If you don’t have a jump rope, try jumping jacks, or running in place. I had to build up my resistance to be able to go and do 1000, so I would push and get 100 in, and take a break. Some alternatives could be jumping for 30 sec all out, resting for 45 sec. You could even start with 500 jumps, and do the same 30 sec on, 45 sec rest. 


I am a VERY quad dominant person, so glute activation in a must in order for me to feel anything. 


Banded walks 2x10. Placement is key in order for me to feel the burn in my glutes. I like to do a set below my knees, and a set above my knees to get those butt muscles firing. If you have difficulty feeling your glutes activate, try going slower and squatting a little lower. 


Banded Hip Bridges 3x10. Same rule applies as earlier with placement being key. For this exercise, I like the band to be under the knee. Another key for me is squeezing my glutes as much as possible at the top of my bridge. 



Single Leg RDL 4x10 (Each Leg) : I LOVE THESE! I feel the burn in my glute, and it forces me to have correct posture, or else I’ll feel it in my back. The slower the better! 


Pulsing Squats 4x8: Squat, pulse, pulse, LIFT! Through the entirety of this workout I make sure to sit back and push off through my heels. It’s easy for me to shift my weight to my toes, so I’m especially mindful to sit in my squat through my heels.



Split Squat Lunges 4x8 (Each Leg): Remember, don’t allow your knee to go over your toe. Stay in alignment, and feel the burn! I also like to remember to push off with my heel, as that is what allows me to feel the burn more in my glute than in my quad. 

That’s all Folks! Hopefully this small workout is a great tool for you guys to stay active, and create a little escape for you in the midst of this craziness. Let me know your thoughts, if you’ve tried it, or just how I can help give you more workout ideas below. Stay healthy and blessed my friends!


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